Wellcome Trust - Recycled Yoghurt Pot Sinks Installed

3|10 studio’s bespoke designed sinks made from 100% recycled yoghurt pots have been installed in the ground floor of the Wellcome Trust’s HQ on Euston Road as part of the pioneering Green Pilot scheme that the studio has been working on for the last few months that explores cutting edge water saving technologies. More to follow soon

Planning Granted for Welsh Play Hub

3|10 studio were given an early Christmas present of full planning consent for their front extension to a former church building in Llandrindod Wells, mid-Wales. The project, for the excellent play focussed children’s charity Play Radnor, involves a new entrance building connecting to the existing church hall, enlargement of the existing external play area, additional new rooftop play area and an outdoor fireplace. Huge thanks go out to Amica Dall of Architecture and Design collective Assemble, who acted as Play Consultant on the project and we look forward to developing the detail design. 

2017 Eh?

Many make much of the mystifying tumult of 2016.
In response; a few positives for the coming year;
Wind, solar, and other renewables have been on an incredible run of decreasing costs and creative financing, which has made them economically competitive with fossil fuels. Although Government incentives for renewewables have been slashed here in the UK, growing awareness, interest and market for green and low energy tech is a change in the right direction.
Even the car industry is embracing fossil fuel alternatives with enormous investment in ‘start up’ car companies (since when has this even been possible?) like Faraday Futures chasing Tesla’s tail and delivering the future of the automobile today. Below is the chassis of the FF91 electric car - look it up, it’s bloody gorgeous.
The Andromeda-Milky Way Collision is 4 billion years off and the sun isn’t set to explode for 5.

I guess what we’re trying to say is - Hey, Happy New Year!

Meanwhile we’re very grateful to have a lot of wonderful projects to be cracking on with and extend our sincerest thanks to past, current and future clients; Here’s greatly looking forwrad to an exciting year.

Avant Ski

Carlsberg don’t do site visits, but if they did…
3|10 are very excited to be appointed to work on an extraordinary former community fromagerie in the French Alps. Built in 1931 and found in the protected village of Le Miroir., La Société Fruitière rested unoccupied for 20 odd years, but is soon to see a new lease of life for a ski-mad family. More as the project develops..

Wellcome Collection

We’re delighted to have been appointed to undertake a ‘Green Pilot’ for the Wellcome Trust at their headquarters on the Euston Road in London. The pilot involves investigating the environmental impacts of water usage and the latest technological innovations in respect of such. The pilot involves collaboration with Dyson, Lovair, Propelair and Smile Plastics among others.

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